Hello Sophia and Andrea, Sorry it's taken me so long to get around to writing with these photos. Wedo want to thank you both for all you did to help us and to help our newdaughter - it was really appreciated; we felt so welcome in your home andit really helped for our adjustment with our daughter to have you there.Rachael is settling well and is much happier now we're in our own home withtoys and things to do all the time. She is still a bit unsettled at nightbut really not too bad - she's happy all day which is wonderful. Attached are the photos we took - three more to follow.Thanks again,
Hello Sophia and Andrea,
I thought you might like to see pictures of Rachael now after she has been in Australia more than one year – she is such a lovely girl – a beautiful nature and very happy. One day we will come back to Taiwan with her and stay with you again!
By the way, this is our new email address –
gores@bigpond.net.auWith love,
Margaret 2006.01.05

Margaret 全家於2004.9.5從澳洲到台北來認養一個女兒(佳美Rachael),她們巳經有二個兒子分別為 13和14 歲,
長得以帥又乖,在台北之家住了6天下來,我的觀察,他們是個很好的家庭,整個家庭充滿了愛心,對這小女孩的細心、耐心呵護,真讓我感動,要撫養一個小孩到成年,要付出相當的心力,這不是一般人做得到的,我看到Margaret 這
2006.1.5 接到 Margaret 來信,附了2張這小女孩的照片,知道Rachael 在這個家庭的快樂的成長更是開心。Rachael 真是幸福,能找到這麼有愛心的家庭來認養她,在此祝福她享受家庭的溫暖。擁有再多的物質,都比不上家庭溫暖來的重要…