2008年1月16日 星期三

thank u Sophia for the great hospitality!
this is my 1st time coming to Taiwan,
and my 1st time coming to this hostel.

It is great to be here and definitely i will
come back to Taiwan and here again!!!

(Singapore and Indonesian)

PS: Sorry for the lateness. This is the picture that we took together.


2008年1月9日 星期三

Tina's family From Malaysia

hi sophia,this is tina here.just to let you know that we're back to malaysia and that we've already started working.哎呀。。要飞去香港的那个晚上,我们才发觉到我们还没吃遍台北的食物内。。也没有和你合照。真是的。。we want to thank you very much for giving us very clear indication on which is the best way to go to our destination. 要不然我们每每去那里,都想要到台北车站去转一个大圈。要不是你详细的指路,我们可真的要浪费好多时间,金钱呢。哈哈。。all of us like taipei a lot and we would like to visit taipei again soon.it's my 2nd time there and i'm definitely hoping to visit taipei for the 3rd time soon.so i guess i'll see you again soon one of these day. and next time i will make sure that we'll take a photo together.
love,tina cpenang, malaysia 09.01.08