1987年第一次出國去香港,從出發的前幾天心情焦慮、 耽心、不安、探索…的情緒伴隨著我,一直到下飛機、走在街上那種一切都是陌生的感覺,心情無法放鬆,下榻的青年之家的2天,有人可以講話,心情才緩和下來,接下來有一股暖流湧在心頭。這種感覺在我心裡一直沒有忘懷,人生的最大快樂 " 他鄉遇故知 " 當一個人在他鄉異地時特別需要這個溫暖,出外人的心情我最了解,2001年暑假上帝給了恩典,台北之家就在那時誕生了,感謝神讓我有機會服侍並結交了好多外國朋友。
接下來也感受到付出、助人的快樂,沒想到像鏡子一樣,反射過來的是一連串的肯定、感謝、讚美在我的 E-Mail 及桌上的留言簿上,住宿者也感受到台灣人好,台北人真好,很樂於助人,能給他們留下好印象是出乎我意料的,更沒想到人家還告訴我說:這是在做國民外交。

Development of Taipei House
In 1987, it was the first time for me to travel abroad to HK. A couple days before I took off, I was swamped in anxiety, worry, uneasiness, and eagerness to explore. This lasted for a while until I landed in HK. While walking on the street and feeling nervous, I could not calm myself down until the second day at Youth Hostel. It was the warmth originating from my fellow citizens who happen to be there that comforts me. In the summer of 2001, due to God's blessing, Taipei House I.Y.H. was established. I appreciate God for giving me the opportunity to make quite a few foreign friends.
Later on in my experience in I.Y.H., through offering and helping others, I felt the accomplishment and joy in the emails and message log as if they were reflection in the mirror. It is unexpected for the visitors to realize that people in Taipei and Taiwan are more than willing to help out. Not to mention words from my colleagues-This work is for the sake of building the image of the nation.
I have always dreamt of one day that after visiting Taiwan, foreigners will hold a good impression toward this country. Starting from I.Y.H, they not only had a chance to appreciate scenic and culture beauty in Taiwan but also to see the hospitality of Taiwanese; Let's promote Taiwan and make us visible.