2009年1月15日 星期四
2009年1月10日 星期六
珏縈來自 香港
台北之家 林阿姨 : 平安!
希望您的手能快快恢復,願 神的醫治臨到您.
也希望 神能親自為您開道路,使您能穩定的參加主日禮拜.
願 神紀念您對主內出外人的愛心與服務.
謝謝! 下次見.
主內 玨縈 94/11/14
希望您的手能快快恢復,願 神的醫治臨到您.
也希望 神能親自為您開道路,使您能穩定的參加主日禮拜.
願 神紀念您對主內出外人的愛心與服務.
謝謝! 下次見.
主內 玨縈 94/11/14
我已經回到家了,這次的旅行意外很多,很有趣 --.--"
聽幸雅說她原本預估大概四、五點之間會去Check in,
本來還想說這下糟了,一定來不及在約定時間去Check in
應該後面會順多了 ^____^後面的活動果然好多了,
佳珮 03/30
我已經回到家了,這次的旅行意外很多,很有趣 --.--"
聽幸雅說她原本預估大概四、五點之間會去Check in,
本來還想說這下糟了,一定來不及在約定時間去Check in
應該後面會順多了 ^____^後面的活動果然好多了,
佳珮 03/30
Vivien from Hong Kong
Dear Sophia
還記得我嗎? 我於去年10月底來台的Vivien, 單身自助旅遊
而遇上很多人指點迷津及給予幫助, 對不起, 回港數月才給你
E-mail, 在此祝你新年快樂, 笑口常開, 身體健康!回想台灣遊,
至今記憶猶新, 畢生難忘, 發覺人與人之間相遇, 緣份使然,
並無任何地域阻隔, 我很開心於路途上認識的每個朋友,
當然包括你, 在台北, 有幸住在[台北之家], 那裡很有家的溫暖
感覺, 很乾淨及舒適, 又可與志同道合的朋友暢談.
希望有機會再來台時一定住在[台北之家]. 再者, 請代我問侯
[上海婆婆], 我很欣賞婆婆之樂觀性格, 時常笑口常開,
在此祝她新年快樂, 笑口常開, 身體健康! 不知她配到房子沒有?
而她的曾施手術後的眼睛如何? 麻煩你!
謝謝! Keep in touch!Vivien
還記得我嗎? 我於去年10月底來台的Vivien, 單身自助旅遊
而遇上很多人指點迷津及給予幫助, 對不起, 回港數月才給你
E-mail, 在此祝你新年快樂, 笑口常開, 身體健康!回想台灣遊,
至今記憶猶新, 畢生難忘, 發覺人與人之間相遇, 緣份使然,
並無任何地域阻隔, 我很開心於路途上認識的每個朋友,
當然包括你, 在台北, 有幸住在[台北之家], 那裡很有家的溫暖
感覺, 很乾淨及舒適, 又可與志同道合的朋友暢談.
希望有機會再來台時一定住在[台北之家]. 再者, 請代我問侯
[上海婆婆], 我很欣賞婆婆之樂觀性格, 時常笑口常開,
在此祝她新年快樂, 笑口常開, 身體健康! 不知她配到房子沒有?
而她的曾施手術後的眼睛如何? 麻煩你!
謝謝! Keep in touch!Vivien
謝謝你這幾天來的照顧. 第一天遲大到妳也等到我來,
真的太感激妳了!但這數天太趕忙了, 就連今天離開的時候
也沒得向妳道謝, 但不要緊, 現在向妳道謝還未算遲.
很高興在這裡認識了很多朋友, 但想不到有這麼多朋友都是
來自香港的!今天很趕忙啊, 還遲了回來. 手上有太多的
東西要包好, 幸好那位可愛的小妹幫我一把, 不然一定
趕不到往機場. 還來不及知道她的名字和向她道謝便要離開,
真的可惜. 還是在這裡一塊兒向她道謝罷!這次的照片我已放到 http://www.fotop.net/chichung/taiwan2006
謝謝你這幾天來的照顧. 第一天遲大到妳也等到我來,
真的太感激妳了!但這數天太趕忙了, 就連今天離開的時候
也沒得向妳道謝, 但不要緊, 現在向妳道謝還未算遲.
很高興在這裡認識了很多朋友, 但想不到有這麼多朋友都是
來自香港的!今天很趕忙啊, 還遲了回來. 手上有太多的
東西要包好, 幸好那位可愛的小妹幫我一把, 不然一定
趕不到往機場. 還來不及知道她的名字和向她道謝便要離開,
真的可惜. 還是在這裡一塊兒向她道謝罷!這次的照片我已放到 http://www.fotop.net/chichung/taiwan2006
Dear Sophina,
祝 台北之家越辦越好
祝 台北之家越辦越好
Tak Chuen Yip from Hong Kong
主內 林阿姨,
謝謝你! 我已經安全到香港了. 這幾天在台北的旅程,讓我重新
思考我與上帝之間的關係, 領略了一些主在我生命中的心意.
我相信上帝在每個人的生命都有心意. 台北之家也許就是上帝
對林阿姨的心 意 (?) .你說得對, 這一切全是上帝的恩典.
你放心, 我會向弟兄姊妹介紹台北之家, 也心願上帝繼續使用
台北之家, 使更多人可以透過這裡經驗上帝的愛. 希望下次到
台北的時候可以再到台北之家探望你. 也願上帝的醫治臨到
你身上, 醫治你肉身的傷患及心靈的疲乏.
P.S. 以下是我常用的聖經網站, 希望可以幫助你
主內 嘉雯
謝謝你! 我已經安全到香港了. 這幾天在台北的旅程,讓我重新
思考我與上帝之間的關係, 領略了一些主在我生命中的心意.
我相信上帝在每個人的生命都有心意. 台北之家也許就是上帝
對林阿姨的心 意 (?) .你說得對, 這一切全是上帝的恩典.
你放心, 我會向弟兄姊妹介紹台北之家, 也心願上帝繼續使用
台北之家, 使更多人可以透過這裡經驗上帝的愛. 希望下次到
台北的時候可以再到台北之家探望你. 也願上帝的醫治臨到
你身上, 醫治你肉身的傷患及心靈的疲乏.
P.S. 以下是我常用的聖經網站, 希望可以幫助你
主內 嘉雯
Andy C from Australia
might have not remembered me, but i'm that tall dude from
Australia who'd stayed for 4 days...i'd really enjoy the stay...
every1 was so friendly wouldnt mind coming bak again
Andy changi
might have not remembered me, but i'm that tall dude from
Australia who'd stayed for 4 days...i'd really enjoy the stay...
every1 was so friendly wouldnt mind coming bak again
Andy changi
Jeani from Hong Kong
Dear Sophia,
We came back to HK a few days ago, we enjoy this journey
very much, and feel very happy in this trip,this is partly due
to your kindly help, so we can havethis good travel experience.
If I have opportunity to go to Taipei again,
I willcome again, really thank for your help.
Best regards, Jeani
We came back to HK a few days ago, we enjoy this journey
very much, and feel very happy in this trip,this is partly due
to your kindly help, so we can havethis good travel experience.
If I have opportunity to go to Taipei again,
I willcome again, really thank for your help.
Best regards, Jeani
Harry from Hong Kong
Dear 阿姨
I am great to let you know, I back to HK safety. I was living in
Tapei House hostel very well and seem to be my real house
which is clean, comfortable. If I will go Taipei, I will live here
again and introduce more my friend to go there. Enclose
with my photo for your memory
Cheers Harry
I am great to let you know, I back to HK safety. I was living in
Tapei House hostel very well and seem to be my real house
which is clean, comfortable. If I will go Taipei, I will live here
again and introduce more my friend to go there. Enclose
with my photo for your memory
Cheers Harry
Lim Thong Leng from Malaysia
Dear Sophia,
Thanks for the hospitality and kindness that Taipei House
had offered to me. I am now back to work and for the pass
two days, while relating my trip to friends, I have strongly
suggested to them to stay in Taipei House if there plan for
trip to Taiwan. I believe that Taipei House can offer the best
accomodation in Taipei. Food and transport is so convenient.
But most of all, thank you for the memory that Taipei House
had given to me.
with regards,
lim thong leng
Thanks for the hospitality and kindness that Taipei House
had offered to me. I am now back to work and for the pass
two days, while relating my trip to friends, I have strongly
suggested to them to stay in Taipei House if there plan for
trip to Taiwan. I believe that Taipei House can offer the best
accomodation in Taipei. Food and transport is so convenient.
But most of all, thank you for the memory that Taipei House
had given to me.
with regards,
lim thong leng
Ryoko Tanoue from Japan
this is ryoko tanoue(田上 亮子)thanks for your nice e-mail.
i stayed your hostel from8/8 to 12/8.i really enjoyed!actually,
i didn't have my own PC address than so, i booked by my father's
address. but now, i have my own!so, could you delete the
address you used to send me?
my PC address is "tanouenagoya@yahoo.co.jp"
thank you.happy new year!!
this is ryoko tanoue(田上 亮子)thanks for your nice e-mail.
i stayed your hostel from8/8 to 12/8.i really enjoyed!actually,
i didn't have my own PC address than so, i booked by my father's
address. but now, i have my own!so, could you delete the
address you used to send me?
my PC address is "tanouenagoya@yahoo.co.jp"
thank you.happy new year!!
Kevin Nance from U.S.A.
Hi Sophia,I am Kevin from Oklahoma. I stayed at your
place in October. I want to say that I really liked staying
at your hostel. You made me feel very welcome and
comfortable in a place I had never been before.
Thanks for helping me with my chinese and in learning
the city. I hope you and your business is doing well and that
Andrea is continuing her bible study and benefiting from that.
Sincerely, Kevin Nance
place in October. I want to say that I really liked staying
at your hostel. You made me feel very welcome and
comfortable in a place I had never been before.
Thanks for helping me with my chinese and in learning
the city. I hope you and your business is doing well and that
Andrea is continuing her bible study and benefiting from that.
Sincerely, Kevin Nance
郭翠珊 來自香港
Ken Takahashi from Japan
Dear Sophia
Hello.Thank you for your Kindness,We have a very very nice
trip and can go back Japan with no accident.The next coming
to TPE,We go to Taipei House.
See you again,再見、謝謝。
Ken TakahashiTokyo,Japan高橋 健
Hello.Thank you for your Kindness,We have a very very nice
trip and can go back Japan with no accident.The next coming
to TPE,We go to Taipei House.
See you again,再見、謝謝。
Ken TakahashiTokyo,Japan高橋 健
Sonia Kuo 郭秋萍 from Taiwan
Dear Sophia
Thanks for caring. i am at home now. It's a good trip to live
in taipei-house. He he .......
Anyway, hope you have a nice day!
Best Wish, Sonia Kuo
E-mail: sonia.kuo@msa.hinet.net
Thanks for caring. i am at home now. It's a good trip to live
in taipei-house. He he .......
Anyway, hope you have a nice day!
Best Wish, Sonia Kuo
E-mail: sonia.kuo@msa.hinet.net
Tian Quan from Malaysia
Dear Sophia,
I am Liu Tian Quan from Malaysia who was there from
24to 28 of November.Taipei House is a wonderful place,
great people andgood location and it gives everyone
a home feeling. Thank you and have a nice day!
Cheers,Tian Quan
I am Liu Tian Quan from Malaysia who was there from
24to 28 of November.Taipei House is a wonderful place,
great people andgood location and it gives everyone
a home feeling. Thank you and have a nice day!
Cheers,Tian Quan
Miya Tanaka from Japan
Hi Sophia,
I had a good time in Taipei thanks to your kindness
while I was staying there in Taipei House.
I wish you all the best,
And Best Regards,
Miya Tanaka
I had a good time in Taipei thanks to your kindness
while I was staying there in Taipei House.
I wish you all the best,
And Best Regards,
Miya Tanaka
Alan from U.S.A.
Dear Sophia,
Thank you for a very pleasant stay at your hostel this past
February - I look forward to staying with you again in the
future. Please feel free to contact me if you need assistance
with English speaking or American tourist inquiries -
I will be more then happy to help.
God Bless You Best Regards,
Thank you for a very pleasant stay at your hostel this past
February - I look forward to staying with you again in the
future. Please feel free to contact me if you need assistance
with English speaking or American tourist inquiries -
I will be more then happy to help.
God Bless You Best Regards,
Alan C. Fitton
120 Bush StreetDunmore, PA 18510
mr-flippy@excite.com (or)mr_flippy2@hotmail.com
120 Bush StreetDunmore, PA 18510
mr-flippy@excite.com (or)mr_flippy2@hotmail.com
2009年1月9日 星期五
Yan Quan & Yi Ting from Singapore
Hello Sophia!
How's your leg now? Hope its recovering well!Just want to
tell you i'm now safely back in Singapore, although not as cold
as TaiPei now but its raining quite a lot these days.Want to
THANK YOU also for really taking real good care of my
needs while i was in TaiPei house, and i'm always so grateful
to be able to listen to your advice when it comes to the
relationship i have between YiTing & me.Oh and we both left
a note in the message book, do take a look when u're free.
Just hope you're take good care of yourself even when you're
busy with everything, and i believe God will be with you and
let everything run smoothly for you!!!
Will send my blessings again!
God Bless!
How's your leg now? Hope its recovering well!Just want to
tell you i'm now safely back in Singapore, although not as cold
as TaiPei now but its raining quite a lot these days.Want to
THANK YOU also for really taking real good care of my
needs while i was in TaiPei house, and i'm always so grateful
to be able to listen to your advice when it comes to the
relationship i have between YiTing & me.Oh and we both left
a note in the message book, do take a look when u're free.
Just hope you're take good care of yourself even when you're
busy with everything, and i believe God will be with you and
let everything run smoothly for you!!!
Will send my blessings again!
God Bless!
Pawana Keeratiyutawong from Thailand
Hello Sophia and Andria
How are you doing? Thank you very much for your warm
welcome at Taipei House. I'm very impress your hostel.
It is very clean, safe, and friendly. Especialy, I met a strong
woman as you.
Hi Andria, lovely girl. You help your mother's business very
well. I hope to see you in Thailand someday. Take care and
don't wake up to find something to eat at night. miss you all.
Attached please find our pictures.
Best regards,
Pawana Keeratiyutawong, Thailand
How are you doing? Thank you very much for your warm
welcome at Taipei House. I'm very impress your hostel.
It is very clean, safe, and friendly. Especialy, I met a strong
woman as you.
Hi Andria, lovely girl. You help your mother's business very
well. I hope to see you in Thailand someday. Take care and
don't wake up to find something to eat at night. miss you all.
Attached please find our pictures.
Best regards,
Pawana Keeratiyutawong, Thailand
Mai & Chie from Japan
Dear Sopia,
Thank you for your quick mail, and sorry to be lateto reply.
I'm not so tired, but I had a hard schedule yesterday just
after coming back to Japan.
I checked your file, and you've done very well.I found only
one mistake in Japanease(kanji).Chie wrote the guide,
so she knows better how togo to Chiufen.My memory
about guide is not certain, I think.Just to make sure,
I transferred your file to Chie.We will check your
Japanease perfectly, so please wait(^-^)You've done very
well!!I want to be a woman like you.>From April,
I am going to work at big luxury hotel in Tokyo.
I have to cultivate the attitude to stand others'
places,and make efforts for the guests so that they could stay
comfotablly.This is an very important thing as a person
regardless of my job...(This is because I choose the job at hotel)
Oh, I wrote too much.
Chie will send you an E-mail with a corrected file.Please wait.
It is probably midnight or tommorow, because
she is working at a part-time-job just now.
Mai Asakuma
P.S Chie's E-mail address is takezo128@ yahoo.co.jp
Thank you for your quick mail, and sorry to be lateto reply.
I'm not so tired, but I had a hard schedule yesterday just
after coming back to Japan.
I checked your file, and you've done very well.I found only
one mistake in Japanease(kanji).Chie wrote the guide,
so she knows better how togo to Chiufen.My memory
about guide is not certain, I think.Just to make sure,
I transferred your file to Chie.We will check your
Japanease perfectly, so please wait(^-^)You've done very
well!!I want to be a woman like you.>From April,
I am going to work at big luxury hotel in Tokyo.
I have to cultivate the attitude to stand others'
places,and make efforts for the guests so that they could stay
comfotablly.This is an very important thing as a person
regardless of my job...(This is because I choose the job at hotel)
Oh, I wrote too much.
Chie will send you an E-mail with a corrected file.Please wait.
It is probably midnight or tommorow, because
she is working at a part-time-job just now.
Mai Asakuma
P.S Chie's E-mail address is takezo128@ yahoo.co.jp
Li Chuan & Liu Jing from Hong Kong
Dear Ms. Lin and Andren,
This is Li Chuan and Liu Jing . We were back Hong Kong a
week ago. We had a very nice jouney in Taiwan.
Thank you and Andren for your kindly help.
Wish to meet you again!
Best regards,
Li Chuan
Liu Jing
This is Li Chuan and Liu Jing . We were back Hong Kong a
week ago. We had a very nice jouney in Taiwan.
Thank you and Andren for your kindly help.
Wish to meet you again!
Best regards,
Li Chuan
Liu Jing
Zheng Zhi Wei from Malaysia
Hi Sophia,
I will probably go there either tonight or tomorrow...thanks
a lot, sophia. It's indeed a nice experience and sweet memory
to stay at hostel taipei. It had never come into my mind that
a budget hostel can be so clean, safe and comfortable. Taipei
Hostel will definitely be my first choice of accomodation
if I am to visit Taipei again. Once again, thanks for everything.
Warmest Regards,
Zheng Zhi Wei,Malaysia.
I will probably go there either tonight or tomorrow...thanks
a lot, sophia. It's indeed a nice experience and sweet memory
to stay at hostel taipei. It had never come into my mind that
a budget hostel can be so clean, safe and comfortable. Taipei
Hostel will definitely be my first choice of accomodation
if I am to visit Taipei again. Once again, thanks for everything.
Warmest Regards,
Zheng Zhi Wei,Malaysia.
Keo Phetsaya from Australia
you have great customer service! i am very impressed :)
i will be arriving on saturday at 10am in the morning. i will
just drop off my bag and explore the city.
look forward to seeing you then.
keo phetsaya
i will be arriving on saturday at 10am in the morning. i will
just drop off my bag and explore the city.
look forward to seeing you then.
keo phetsaya
應理航 中國在加拿大的研究生
Hi, 林阿姨
我走了之后就無聲無息了。:)> 在台北的幾天,在台北之家
但現在只有一路電話,有時又不好意思占用太久... 不過,
具體該怎麼改,我就全權幫林阿姨搞好。 最后,
我走了之后就無聲無息了。:)> 在台北的幾天,在台北之家
但現在只有一路電話,有時又不好意思占用太久... 不過,
具體該怎麼改,我就全權幫林阿姨搞好。 最后,
Charles from U.S.A.
I don't know if you remember me, but I stayed at thehostel
last August. I am a caucasian man from LosAngeles. I want
you to know how much I enjoyedstaying at your hostel.
You treat everyone so well. If I plan to come back to Taipei,
I will definitelystay at you hostel.
Happy New Year and God bless,-
I don't know if you remember me, but I stayed at thehostel
last August. I am a caucasian man from LosAngeles. I want
you to know how much I enjoyedstaying at your hostel.
You treat everyone so well. If I plan to come back to Taipei,
I will definitelystay at you hostel.
Happy New Year and God bless,-
Charmian from Hong Kong
Tomomi from Japan
Dear Sophia
Happy New Year!Thank you for lovely & unique e-mail card.
Occasionally I miss Taiwan. In particular your guesthouse.
Everithing happened in Taiwn became good memoriesnow.
Even bad accident.I wish I could go back to Taiwan.
I hope you are happy all the time.
Happy New Year!Thank you for lovely & unique e-mail card.
Occasionally I miss Taiwan. In particular your guesthouse.
Everithing happened in Taiwn became good memoriesnow.
Even bad accident.I wish I could go back to Taiwan.
I hope you are happy all the time.
Christy from Hong Kong
祝 愉快健康﹗Christy
Dear Sophia,
Thanks for your greetings. Just visted your web site and
glad to know you're doing so well at Taipei House.
Sophia, remember the girl who suggested you write down
the story of passagers at Taipei House back 2 years ago?
Occassionally when I thought of Taiwan, I thought about
you and memorized those moment we shared at
Taipei House. Because of your hospitality, Taiwan is as
close as a friend to me. I should always like to go back for
a 2nd visit. Let's hope we'll meet soon in the year of pig.
Wish you & your family a wonderful and harvest new year.
With love,
祝 愉快健康﹗Christy
Dear Sophia,
Thanks for your greetings. Just visted your web site and
glad to know you're doing so well at Taipei House.
Sophia, remember the girl who suggested you write down
the story of passagers at Taipei House back 2 years ago?
Occassionally when I thought of Taiwan, I thought about
you and memorized those moment we shared at
Taipei House. Because of your hospitality, Taiwan is as
close as a friend to me. I should always like to go back for
a 2nd visit. Let's hope we'll meet soon in the year of pig.
Wish you & your family a wonderful and harvest new year.
With love,
Lok Tin from Hong Kong
Hi Sophia,
I would to thank you for your kind hospitality during my
short trip in Taiwan. Honestly, I had a wonderful time in
Taipei and will certainly come back in future.P.S. To your
daughter, regarding the book about the dog. The answer
to the photo is :the photographer deliberately spent 12
years to shoot the dog. That is, 12 years ago, he already
thought of publishing suchbook about this dog!!
Lok Tin
I would to thank you for your kind hospitality during my
short trip in Taiwan. Honestly, I had a wonderful time in
Taipei and will certainly come back in future.P.S. To your
daughter, regarding the book about the dog. The answer
to the photo is :the photographer deliberately spent 12
years to shoot the dog. That is, 12 years ago, he already
thought of publishing suchbook about this dog!!
Lok Tin
H.Mano & A.Sato from Japan
Hi Sophia
My sister and I stayed at your place for two nights October 9
and 10th. We had a really good time there and saw and visited
many places we had planned.
We hope that bottle of detergent/cleaner? is of use to you.
And thanks for your assistance.Next time, we plan to visit among
other places, Jiufen; on a weblog, we found that there is a bus
that stops at the temple, a couple of blocks north of Taipei House,
that goes to Jiufen via Keelong. That would be quite convenient.
Attached is the picture taken on the morning of October 11,
before our departure.We will tell our friends about Taipei House, too!
Take care,
and see you soon again.
My sister and I stayed at your place for two nights October 9
and 10th. We had a really good time there and saw and visited
many places we had planned.
We hope that bottle of detergent/cleaner? is of use to you.
And thanks for your assistance.Next time, we plan to visit among
other places, Jiufen; on a weblog, we found that there is a bus
that stops at the temple, a couple of blocks north of Taipei House,
that goes to Jiufen via Keelong. That would be quite convenient.
Attached is the picture taken on the morning of October 11,
before our departure.We will tell our friends about Taipei House, too!
Take care,
and see you soon again.
Mayako from Japan
Dear Sophia,
now i'm back to Tokyo...i already wanna go back to Taipei
hahahai don't know when my boyfriend will leave Taipei, buti
hope that i could visit there again, as soon as ican.i wrote
"Taipei Navi" and asked them to change someinfomation about
your hostel, so now Japanese peopleknow about the breakfast.
i can help your job with my Japanese, when you needmy help,
please let me know.Sophia, thank you so much!!i love you!!
now i'm back to Tokyo...i already wanna go back to Taipei
hahahai don't know when my boyfriend will leave Taipei, buti
hope that i could visit there again, as soon as ican.i wrote
"Taipei Navi" and asked them to change someinfomation about
your hostel, so now Japanese peopleknow about the breakfast.
i can help your job with my Japanese, when you needmy help,
please let me know.Sophia, thank you so much!!i love you!!
Lin sanfu from China of Taiwanese
Dear Friends,
Till now, I have a great thanks for Sophia's kindly welcome
for me.Meanwhile, I'm lucky to meet you all, Mr. Parag
Kulkarni, Mr. Luck and Ms. Yumiko Nakagawa, so that I could
enjoy a good time in my Taipeivacation.
Thank you all! Gordon S. F. Lin
Till now, I have a great thanks for Sophia's kindly welcome
for me.Meanwhile, I'm lucky to meet you all, Mr. Parag
Kulkarni, Mr. Luck and Ms. Yumiko Nakagawa, so that I could
enjoy a good time in my Taipeivacation.
Thank you all! Gordon S. F. Lin
Phoenix from Korea
Hi~~ Sophia
This is Phoenix.. (KOREAN)
I arrived at Seoul yesterday... ^^;;
I called to you in the airport yesterday , but nobody pick up..
I wanted to tell you " Thank you for you kindness"
My travel in Taiwan was good, especially I met many good
people. I think , that soon I want to go again.. ^^
I wish you and your daughter always are healthy and good.. !!
Bye~~ take care..
This is Phoenix.. (KOREAN)
I arrived at Seoul yesterday... ^^;;
I called to you in the airport yesterday , but nobody pick up..
I wanted to tell you " Thank you for you kindness"
My travel in Taiwan was good, especially I met many good
people. I think , that soon I want to go again.. ^^
I wish you and your daughter always are healthy and good.. !!
Bye~~ take care..
Adrian rom U.S.A.
Dear Sophia,
I had some good weeks in taiwan. I really lovedstaying at
Taipei house and I will again if I go backto taipei.
The rest of my trip was also great, I met alot ofwonderful
people and saw some great stuff. I am planning on taking
some chinese classes and whoknows maybe study in taiwan
in a year or two. Well good luck to you and hope to
see you again: )- Adrian
p.s say hello to any foreingers who come
I had some good weeks in taiwan. I really lovedstaying at
Taipei house and I will again if I go backto taipei.
The rest of my trip was also great, I met alot ofwonderful
people and saw some great stuff. I am planning on taking
some chinese classes and whoknows maybe study in taiwan
in a year or two. Well good luck to you and hope to
see you again: )- Adrian
p.s say hello to any foreingers who come
建斌 来自 南台湾
雖然只去住了小小的兩天, 但覺得蠻溫馨,自在的,
還有我女朋友,心華, 也代我向你問好,
這個網頁, 可是點進去連結之後,
就到 .... 囉~...........
Email: sophia@taipei-house.idv.tw
就到 sophia15@seed.net.tw 囉~...........
雖然只去住了小小的兩天, 但覺得蠻溫馨,自在的,
還有我女朋友,心華, 也代我向你問好,
這個網頁, 可是點進去連結之後,
就到 .... 囉~...........
Email: sophia@taipei-house.idv.tw
就到 sophia15@seed.net.tw 囉~...........
Sakurako from Japna
I’m Sakurako Yotsutani. I arrived back at home safely this
afternoon.Thank you for your kindness really!!I'm sorry
becoming late at Tuesday’s night. I go a little more early
next time f^^;非常感謝! 今後也請多関照!
I’m Sakurako Yotsutani. I arrived back at home safely this
afternoon.Thank you for your kindness really!!I'm sorry
becoming late at Tuesday’s night. I go a little more early
next time f^^;非常感謝! 今後也請多関照!
Yuri from Japan
Hi sophia
Now, I am back in japan. I enjoyed my flight. I appreciate your
hospitality. I've already sent a letter for a guidebook company.
I wrote down( Here is very nice place in Taiwan )I ate a lot.
Because food of Taiwan is very nice. I put on waight about 3Kg,
Oh my god,,,,,,,Anyway , I am fine. thanks for all your kindness.
Take care yuri
Now, I am back in japan. I enjoyed my flight. I appreciate your
hospitality. I've already sent a letter for a guidebook company.
I wrote down( Here is very nice place in Taiwan )I ate a lot.
Because food of Taiwan is very nice. I put on waight about 3Kg,
Oh my god,,,,,,,Anyway , I am fine. thanks for all your kindness.
Take care yuri
Momoko Nakamura from Japan
Kojiro Suzuki from Japan
Hello, Sophia.
How are you? I'm Japanese guy stayed at your hostel
from11 in March. Do you remember me?haha^^Thank
you very much for your kindness, I could enjoygraduation
journey, actually. And all of Taiwanese werekind to me.
I have good memories. I want to go Taiwan inthe near future,
when I go to Taipei city, then I'll stayat your hostel again.
Please take care.And thank you again.bye bye
fromKojiro Suzuki
How are you? I'm Japanese guy stayed at your hostel
from11 in March. Do you remember me?haha^^Thank
you very much for your kindness, I could enjoygraduation
journey, actually. And all of Taiwanese werekind to me.
I have good memories. I want to go Taiwan inthe near future,
when I go to Taipei city, then I'll stayat your hostel again.
Please take care.And thank you again.bye bye
fromKojiro Suzuki
Sholto from England
Dear Sophie,
hello, this is Sholto! How are you today? I hope you are well
and happy! I am now back in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang and
it feels very lonely! I am already missing Taipei.
However when I look at the photos and think back I am very
happy. I hope that it will not be long before I can find my way
back to your beautiful city!
Miss you much,
yours Sholto
hello, this is Sholto! How are you today? I hope you are well
and happy! I am now back in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang and
it feels very lonely! I am already missing Taipei.
However when I look at the photos and think back I am very
happy. I hope that it will not be long before I can find my way
back to your beautiful city!
Miss you much,
yours Sholto
2009年1月8日 星期四
Kozue Kamata from Japan
Hello! from Japan.
I am Kozue.Kamata Do you remember me? from2.26~to3.
,I staied in Taipei Hause. Thank you very much
I am worried about earthquake. Are you safe ?
I want to tell you. I looked home page of Taipei hause.
We can see English infomeishon , but ! cannot see
Chainese character. I enjoied in taipei I want to go again.
See you. Kozue Kamata
this is kozue.kamata.
How are you? Japan It's too hot!!Everyday . Is it hot in taipei?
About Japanese summer ...Drinking Beer;Eat
"EDA MAME",Wotch "HANABI"etc...
EDAMAME is young soybean that is coler of green. We have
it with solt.Delicious! HANABI is fireworks in big river side.
"SUMIDA RIVER"this is famous of HANABI festival.every
year many many people go whatciing!
I'd seen new home page. thank you for telling it.
I can see the explanation of English very well.
But it's too bad that we can't see Japanese .
These characters change . Some picthers are nice!
Are there many visiter to your hotel?
Summer vacation started in japan.
so many people will toravel abload.
Sophia what do you do this summer?
Have a nice summer time!!
I am Kozue.Kamata Do you remember me? from2.26~to3.
,I staied in Taipei Hause. Thank you very much
I am worried about earthquake. Are you safe ?
I want to tell you. I looked home page of Taipei hause.
We can see English infomeishon , but ! cannot see
Chainese character. I enjoied in taipei I want to go again.
See you. Kozue Kamata
this is kozue.kamata.
How are you? Japan It's too hot!!Everyday . Is it hot in taipei?
About Japanese summer ...Drinking Beer;Eat
"EDA MAME",Wotch "HANABI"etc...
EDAMAME is young soybean that is coler of green. We have
it with solt.Delicious! HANABI is fireworks in big river side.
"SUMIDA RIVER"this is famous of HANABI festival.every
year many many people go whatciing!
I'd seen new home page. thank you for telling it.
I can see the explanation of English very well.
But it's too bad that we can't see Japanese .
These characters change . Some picthers are nice!
Are there many visiter to your hotel?
Summer vacation started in japan.
so many people will toravel abload.
Sophia what do you do this summer?
Have a nice summer time!!
Yumiko From Japan
Dear Sophia
I made it home safely yesterday. I was little tired lastnight,
but now, I'm o.k. While I staied in your hostel, I could spend
my time as if I was in my house.
Thank you very much for your kindness.
I was really happy with you !!
The days I' ve spent in Taipei were very stimulative for me.
(especially the election ! ) While I staied in Taipei, I thought
a lot of thing. I want to know about Taiwan more, and I'll be
sure to come again ! So, see you again !!
Love Yumiko
I made it home safely yesterday. I was little tired lastnight,
but now, I'm o.k. While I staied in your hostel, I could spend
my time as if I was in my house.
Thank you very much for your kindness.
I was really happy with you !!
The days I' ve spent in Taipei were very stimulative for me.
(especially the election ! ) While I staied in Taipei, I thought
a lot of thing. I want to know about Taiwan more, and I'll be
sure to come again ! So, see you again !!
Love Yumiko
Seiko From Japan
Ling & Chi Heng from Singapore
Hi Sophia!
Im Chi Heng, the intern who stayed during may-june period.
How are you and things over at Taipei House?
I've been really busy back in Singapore at school,
didnt have time to write you a letter. Recently
I've been doing some reccommendations for the next
batch of interns and i came back to your website,
triggered loads of good memories in Taiwan...
I would definately reccommend Taipei house to
my juniors. Thank you for all the hospitality you
gave me and Ling in Taiwan!
Cheers, Chi Heng
Im Chi Heng, the intern who stayed during may-june period.
How are you and things over at Taipei House?
I've been really busy back in Singapore at school,
didnt have time to write you a letter. Recently
I've been doing some reccommendations for the next
batch of interns and i came back to your website,
triggered loads of good memories in Taiwan...
I would definately reccommend Taipei house to
my juniors. Thank you for all the hospitality you
gave me and Ling in Taiwan!
Cheers, Chi Heng
Lyndsay, Nathan & Hailey from Canada
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