Dear Sophia,
now i'm back to Tokyo...i already wanna go back to Taipei
hahahai don't know when my boyfriend will leave Taipei, buti
hope that i could visit there again, as soon as ican.i wrote
"Taipei Navi" and asked them to change someinfomation about
your hostel, so now Japanese peopleknow about the breakfast.
i can help your job with my Japanese, when you needmy help,
please let me know.Sophia, thank you so much!!i love you!!
now i'm back to Tokyo...i already wanna go back to Taipei
hahahai don't know when my boyfriend will leave Taipei, buti
hope that i could visit there again, as soon as ican.i wrote
"Taipei Navi" and asked them to change someinfomation about
your hostel, so now Japanese peopleknow about the breakfast.
i can help your job with my Japanese, when you needmy help,
please let me know.Sophia, thank you so much!!i love you!!